Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley

EURIAS Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies

Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna

Via F. Selmi 3, Bologna 40126, Italy

Tel (+39) 331-393-6608, email: gretchen.goodbody (at) unibo.it


Instructor/Postdoctoral Scientist, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences

17 Biological Station, St. George’s GE01, Bermuda

tel (441) 297-1880 ext. 249, fax (441) 297-8143, email gretchen.ggringley@bios.edu


Nationality: USA

Birthdate: 22 May 1979

Place of Birth: San Diego, CA, USA

Sex: Female

Marital status: Married



Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 2003 - 2009

- Ph.D. in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology

Northeastern University, Boston, MA 2001 - 2002

- Three Seas Marine Biology Program

University of Georgia, Athens, GA 1997 - 2001

- B.Sc. in Biology, Cum Laude

• Semester Abroad, Oxford University, Keble College. 1999

• UGA Classics Program Abroad, Rome, Italy. 1998



EURIAS Research Fellow: University of Bologna, Institute of Advanced Studies 2013-present

Instructor/Postdoctoral Scientist: Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences 2011-present

Adjunct Scientist: Mote Marine Laboratory 2011-present

Postdoctoral Researcher: Mote Marine Laboratory 2010-2011

Centers for Aquaculture and Coral Reef Research. Advisor: Kevan Main

Co-Instructor: Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences 2009-2010

Graduate Research and Teaching Fellow: Harvard University. Advisor: Robert M. Woollacott 2003-2009

Faculty Research Assistant: University of Maryland. Kenneth P. Sebens 2002-2003

Laboratory Technician: University of Georgia. Merryl Alber 2000-2001



Reproduction and dispersal of marine invertebrates

Ecology and evolutionary history of coral reefs

Climate change and invasive species



Research Fellowship: University of Bologna, Institute of Advanced Studies

- Phylogeography and genetic connectivity of Balanophyllia europaea

- Effects of population demography on rates of self-fertilization

Postdoctoral Research: Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences 2011 – 2013

- Differential gene expression of corals exposed to ocean acidification conditions

- Growth and development of juvenile corals under varying environmental conditions

- Distribution and ecology of the invasive lionfish population in Bermuda

Postdoctoral Research: Mote Marine Laboratory, Tropical Research Laboratory 2010 - 2011 (Postdoctoral Advisor: Dr. Kevan Main)

- Coral culture and restoration techniques (PI’s: Drs. Kevan Main and David Vaughan)

- Effects of South Louisiana crude oil and dispersants on coral life history (PI: Dr. Kim Ritchie - Mote)

- Molecular response of coral to South Louisiana crude oil and dispersants (PI: Dr. Sara Edge – HBOI)

Doctoral Research: Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University 2003 - 2009 (Dissertation advisor: Professor Robert M. Woollacott)

- Study of the reproductive timing and life history of Favia fragum in Bermuda

- Phylogeography of the brooding coral F. fragum and the broadcasting coral Montastraea cavernosa

Independent research project: Three Seas Program, Northeastern University. 2001 (advisor: Dr. M.A. Steele)

- The influence of habitat complexity on the aggressive behavior of the Beaugregory Damselfish (Stegastes leucostictus) in Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Undergraduate research: Department of Marine Science, University of Georgia 2000 - 2001 (research advisor: Professor Merryl Alber)

- Effects of natural disturbances to salinity on the population dynamics of two gastropod species from the Satilla River salt marshes of coastal GA

Scientific Cruises:

- PBS&J Consulting, coral reef monitoring at the Flower Garden Banks, TX, 2006

- University of Washington, PRISM oceanographic cruise, Puget Sound, WA. 2001

- University of Georgia Marine Science Department, Estuarine system of Georgia 2000



Speare, KE, Bruno, JF, Goodbody-Gringley, G (In Review) Combined effects of sedimentation and increased water temperature on the growth and development of juvenile coral spat. PLoS ONE

Page, C, Goodbody-Gringley, G, Leber, K, Bartels, E, Main, KL, Vaughan, D (In Revision) Effects of habitat type on the success of coral restoration in the Florida Keys. Restoration Ecology

Kenkel, CD, Goodbody-Gringley, G, Caillaud, D, Davies, SW, Bartels, E, Matz, MV (2013) Evidence for a host role in thermotolerance divergence between populations of the mustard hill coral (Porites astreoides) from different reef environments. Molecular Ecology 22: 4335-4348.

Goodbody-Gringley, G, Wetzel, DL, Gillion, D, Pulster, E, Miller, A, Ritchie, KB (2013) Toxicity of Deepwater Horizon source oil and the chemical dispersant, Corexit 9500, to coral larvae. PLoS ONE 8(1): e45574. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045574

Kenkel CD, Goodbody-Gringley G, Bartels E, Davies SW, Percy AL, Matz MV (2012) Evidence of local thermal adaptation in a Caribbean coral. Integrative and Comparative Biology 52: E92.

Goodbody-Gringley, G, Woollacott, RM, Giribet, G (2012) Population structure and connectivity of the Atlantic scleractinian coral Montastraea cavernosa (Linnaeus, 1766). Marine Ecology 33: 32-48.

Goodbody-Gringley, G (2010) Diel planulation by the brooding coral Favia fragum (Esper). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 389: 70-74.

Goodbody-Gringley, G, Vollmer, S, Woollacott, RM, Giribet, G (2010) Limited gene flow in the brooding coral Favia fragum (Esper, 1797). Marine Biology 157: 2591-2602.

Goodbody-Gringley, G and de Putron, SJ (2009) Patterns of planulation by the brooding coral Favia fragum (Esper) in Bermuda. Coral Reefs 28: 959-963.




International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 2012

Euro International Society for Reef Studies Meeting, Wageningen, Netherlands, 2010

International Coral Reef Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, 2008

Harvard University, G4 Symposium, 2007

Benthic Ecology Meeting, University of Connecticut, 2003



Euro International Society for Reef Studies Meeting, Wageningen, Netherlands, 2010

Linking Science to Management: A conference on the Florida Keys Marine Ecosystem, 2010

Benthic Ecology Meeting, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007

South Eastern Estuarine Research Society, Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. 2001

- “Best Undergraduate Poster



Instructor: Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science, Marine Invertebrate Zoology (Fall 2011-Present)

Independent Consulting: Bermuda Zoological Society, BREAM Project (August 2011-Present)

Co-Instructor: Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science

- Coral Reef Ecology (Summer & Fall 2009; Summer 2011 & 2012)

- Marine Biology and Oceanographic Research (Fall 2009)

Teaching Fellow: Harvard University, OEB 234 Topics in Marine Biology (Spring 2005, 2008 & 2009)

- Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching (2009)

Teaching Fellow: Harvard University, Marine Life and Ecosystems of the Sea (Summer 2008)

Head Teaching Fellow: Harvard University, Science B-53 Marine Biology (Fall 2006 & 2007)

Teaching Assistant: Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science, Coral Reef Ecology (Summer 2005-2007)

Undergraduate Advising:

- Supervised 13 undergraduate independent research projects and 1 NSF-REU project in Bermuda (2009-2013)

- Supervised 8 undergraduate interns, Mote Marine Laboratory (2010)

- Field advisor to Harvard College undergraduates: H. Rivera (2011&2012); L. Stoppel (2007)

Guest Lectures:

- SeaCamp: Science Night lecture series, Summer 2010

- Columbia University: Summer Ecosystem Experience for Undergrads (SEE-U), June 2010

Journal Reviewer:

- Marine Biology • Marine Ecology • Biological Bulletin • Invertebrate Systematics • Hydrobiologia • Pacific Science • Marine Biodiversity • PLoS ONE • Coral Reefs • JEMBE

Professional Associations:

- International Coral Reef Society • American Society of Limnology and Oceanography • Graduate Women in Science • Bermuda Lionfish Taskforce Committee



- Darwin Initiative; Darwin Plus Funding – DPLU S001, $264,080: Bermuda Invasive Lionfish Control Initiative. (2013-2015)

- EURIAS Fellowship: 10-month research fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Bologna (UNIBO), Italy. Prevalence of self-fertilization in a Mediterranean coral population. (2013-2014)

- Lerner Gray Memorial Fund - American Museum of Natural History (Co-PI: S. Goffredo), $2000: Self-fertilization as a mechanism for population maintenance. (2013-2014)

- NSF DBI-1034738 with Kim B. Ritchie, $103,889: Development of a Multi-User Molecular Facility at Mote Marine Laboratory’s Tropical Research Laboratory. (2011)

- BP/FIO - Gulf Oil Spill Prevention, Response & Recovery Grant with Sara Edge, Joshua Voss, Kate Semon and Rob Ruzicka, $285,346: Molecular diagnostics of coral exposed to oil and dispersants: A holobiont approach to investigate potential effects on the host corals, symbiotic algae, and mucus associated microbial communities. (2010-2012)

- Protect Our Reefs Grant with Mote postdoctoral supervisor Kevan Main $37,000: Coral Aquaculture and Restoration. (2010-2011)

- Putnam Expedition Grant, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, $7,000 (2006)

- PADI, Project AWARE Foundation Fellowship, $1,750 (2005)

- BIOS Grant-in-Aid Fellowship, $1200 (2004)

- HOPE scholarship (1997-2001)

- UGA Deans List (1997-2001) & Presidential Scholar (1998)



- PADI certified Dive Master (2010-present)

- AAUS certified scientific diver (2001-present)

- Experience handling small boats


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