Tutti gli articoli e i servizi su MSG
passati su televisioni e radio.
All articles and interviews about MSG on
television and radio.
April 2014 -
WIP Radio - Pianeta Terra, con Francesco Giusti - Codice Armonico -
Interview to Francesca Gizzi on "Population dynamic model of the
symbiotic solitary coral Balanophyllia europaea at Calafuria"
28 September 2013 -
RAI 1 - Linea Blu, con Donatella Bianchi - Coral Warm -
Interview/report to Stefano Goffredo on "Corals and Global Warming -
The Mediterranean versus the Red Sea" (CoralWarm)
18 September 2012 - InsidER - Il
bellissimo (e faticoso) lavoro delle immersioni per ricerca,
di Angela Simone -
Interview/report to Fiorella Prada on "Corals and Global Warming -
The Mediterranean versus the Red Sea" (CoralWarm)
9 August 2012 - InsidER - La ricerca sui coralli? Molto
meglio del posto fisso,
di Angela Simone -
Interview/report to Valentina Airi on "Corals and Global Warming -
The Mediterranean versus the Red Sea" (CoralWarm)
6 August 2012 - InsidER - Con le pinne e occhiali...
preparo la tesi!,
di Angela Simone -
Interview/report to Bianca Maria Tonucci on "STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment"
21 March 2012 - RaiTre - Geo&Geo, con Marco
Castellazzi -
Interview/report on "Corals and Global Warming"
21 August 2010 - Radio24 - Moebius,
con Federico Pedrocchi -
Interview/report on "STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment"
28 July 2010 - RadioStudioPiù - La Carovana On the
con Paolino -
Interview/report on "STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment"
23 July 2010 - EcoRadio - La Voce del Pianeta,
con Loredana Sarrica -
Interview/report on "STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment"
14 July 2010 - RTL 102.5 - Protagonisti,
con Francesca Cheyenne e Roberto Uggeri -
Interview/report on "STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment"
13 April 2010 - RTSI -
Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana,
Rete 1, Il Camaleonte -
Interview/report on "STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment"
28 January 2010 - Rai 3, TG3 -
Repeat of the interview/report on CoralWarm
28 January 2010 - Rai 3, TG3 -
Interview/report on CoralWarm
26 January 2010 - Rai 3, TGR Leonardo -
Interview/report on CoralWarm
July 2009 - RMC - Radio Montecarlo, Anteprina News -
Interview/report on "STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment"
8 September
2008 - RER-Radio Emilia-Romagna, Campus -
Interview/report on "STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment"
22 July 2008 - RTSI -
Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana,
Rete 1, Lo Sciamano in Bicicletta -
Interview/report on "STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment"
18 February
2007 - Radio 2, Strada Facendo -
Interview/report on "STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment"
8 January 2006 - Rete 4, Pianeta Mare -
Repeat of the interview/report on the state of the Maldivian coral
July 2005 - Rai Due, Tg2 Dossier -
Repeat of the interview/report
on "Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission"and
"Divers for the
2 March 2005 - Rete 4, La Macchina del Tempo -
Interview/report on the state of Maldivian coral reefs
27 February 2005 - Rete 4, Pianeta Mare -
Interview/report on the state of Maldivian coral reefs
20 February 2005 - Rete 4, Pianeta Mare -
Interview/report on Marine Science Group environmental monitoring
1 February 2005 - Rai Uno, TG1 Economia -
Report on the expedition to investigate the conditions of Maldivian coral reefs after the tsunami
31 January 2005 - Rai Tre, TG3 -
Interview/report on the expedition to investigate the conditions of Maldivian coral reefs after the tsunami
25 January 2005 - Rai Due, TG2 -
Report on the state of Maldivian coral reefs one month after the tsunami
of 26 December 2004
23 January 2005 - Radio Rai Uno, Capitan Cook -
on post-tsunami surveys in
Maldivian Islands
January 2005 - Canale 5, TG5
- Interview/report
on post-tsunami surveys in
Maldivian Islands
January 2005 - SKY, TG24
- Interview/report
on post-tsunami surveys in
Maldivian Islands
January 2005 - Radio24, GR24
- Interview/report
on post-tsunami surveys in
Maldivian Islands
December 2004 - Rai Due, Tg2 Dossier
- Interview/report
on "Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission" and
"Divers for the
28 November 2004 - Rete 4, Pianeta Mare
- Report on "Festa della Subacquea SSI
October 2004 -
RAI Uno, Linea Blu (presented by Donatella Bianchi) - Interview/report on "Divers for
the Environment"
October 2004 -
RAI Tre, TG3 (presented by Walter Daviddi) - Interview/report on “Divers
for the Environment”
2004 - Rete 4, Pianeta Mare
- Repeat of the interview/report of 9
November 2003
November 2003 - Rete 4, Pianeta Mare
- Interview/report on "Divers for
the Environment"
October 2003 - Radio Dee Jay, DJ chiama Italia (presented by Linus e Nicola) -
Interview on "Divers for the Environment" Mediterranean Underwater
Biodiversity Project"
8 September 2003 - Canale 5, TG 5 -
Interview/report on Settimana Azzurra in which "Divers for the Environment" questionnaires
were distributed
July 2003 - RAI
Uno, SuperQuark (presented by Piero Angela) - Interview/report
on "Divers for the Environment"
June 2003 -
Rete 4, 2000
- Informative message on “Divers
for the Environment”
June 2003 -
Linea Blu (presented by Donatella Bianchi)
Interview/report on Settimana Azzurra in which "Divers for the Environment" questionnaires
were distributed
May 2003 -
Kiss Kiss Network - Interview/report
on "Divers for the Environment"
5 - 9 May
2003 - Canale
5, Chi vuol essere milionario -
Promotional messages on “Divers
for the Environment”
presented by Gerry Scotty
March 2003 -
RTL 102.5 -
Informative message on "Divers for the Environment" by DJ Federico
l'Olandese Volante.
February 2003 -
RAI Due, TG cultura - Interview/report on
for the Environment"
February 2003 - RAI
Tre, TG3 (presented by Mario Cobellini) - Interview/report on
for the Environment"
9 May 2002 -
RAI Tre, TG3 (presented by Mario Cobellini) - interview/report on
"Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission" and "Divers for the
May 2002 -
RAI Tre, TG Leonardo -
Interview/report on
"Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission"
November 2001 -
RAI Uno, Il Meglio di Linea Blu (presented
by Donatella Bianchi) - Interview/report on
"Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission"
August 2001 -
RAI Uno, Linea Blu (presented by Donatella Bianchi) - Interview/report on
"Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission"
June 2001 -
RAI Uno, TG1 (presented by Mario Cobellini) - Interview/report on
"Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission"
June 2001 -
RAI Tre, TG3 (presented by Mario Cobellini) - Interview/report on
"Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission"
June 2001 -
RAI Due, TG2 (presented by Mario Cobellini) - Interview/report on
"Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission"
11 March 2001 -
RAI Tre, TG3 (presented by Mario Cobellini) - Interview/report on
"Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission"
1 February
2001 - Radio RAI Uno / Isoradio, La Notte dei Misteri (presented by Paolo Maria
Fontana) - interview/report on
"Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission"
4 November 2000 - RAI Uno, Linea Blu (presented by Donatella Bianchi) -
Interview/report on
"Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission"